How can you really celebrate a sustainable and eco-friendly Holi?

Happy Holi!! Holi is a widely observed festival of colour and happiness in India. However, post the pandemic as we resume playing with colors and the festival regains its popularity, we also see a rise in the use of chemical colours, water exploitation, plastic water balloons and huge wastage of unconsumed sweets. Let’s quickly go over some very easy-to-do eco-friendly ideas to celebrate Holi!

Use water judiciously

Holi is known for the use of water, but it’s important to remember that water is a precious resource. Consider using less water during your celebrations, and encourage your friends and family to do the same. For instance, use pre-filled buckets and tubs instead of an open taps and showers to save hundreds of litres of water! 

Use natural colours

There are many alternatives in the market now offering natural colours made from flowers, herbs, and vegetables instead of chemical-based colours that add plastic residue to our water resources and are also very harmful for skin and hair. You can also do a fun DIY activity with your kids to make colors using regular kitchen ingredients such as beetroots, turmeric (haldi), marigold flowers, etc. There are also many Indian start-ups such as and that you can look at for natural ‘gulaal’ 

Make or buy small batches of sweets

Mindless gifting accounts for huge volumes of waste as we pass on gifts and sweet boxes to friends and relatives, which are then further passed on. We can solve for this problem by making or buying small quantities of sweets which are feasible to consume and will significantly reduce throw aways. 

Replace plastic balloons with reusable water guns 

Water balloons, although a lot of fun for kids, are a menace to the environment. They are mostly made of single-use plastics and lie around after bursting. Their small size also makes it difficult for them to get recycled. A better solve is a bucket with a mug or reusable water guns which can then be used as toys for kids. 

Avoid using plastics

Holi involved large gatherings as family, friends, and relatives come together to celebrate the festivities. In most set ups, it is convenient to use disposable utensils however please ensure you do not buy plastics. Use eco-friendly options such as paper or leaf-based plates, cups, glasses, and spoons instead of plastic utensils. 

Clean up responsibly

After the celebrations, please make sure to clean up properly. Dispose of the waste responsibly and recycle whatever is possible.  

In summary

Holi is a beautiful festival that celebrates love, joy, and togetherness. It is crucial to celebrate it in an eco-friendly way to minimize its impact on the environment. By adopting these small changes, we can make a huge difference for our future generations. Wishing everyone a very happy, colorful and responsible Holi!  

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